Nutrition – diet
Nutritional therapy is based on the scientific principle that food, as nature intended it, provides the nutrients needed to heal the body and to help bring us back to a state of optimum health and vitality. My work is focused on the unique nutritional needs of each individual. On our therapy sessions, we assess a person’s nutritional needs to achieve normal physiological function. This means the maintenance of homeostasis, a position of wellbeing we all seek, but many fail to achieve. I don’t really believe in following a fancy diet. It is absolutely unnecessary to try those scientifically proven unhealthy diets. These could do more harm than good. Instead, I aim to show you the link between your symptoms and the food you may be eating.
Mung bean dish recipe
Ingredients: 2/3 cup of mung bean, 1 purple onion, 2-3 pieces of carrot, 1 spoonful coconut oil, spices (salt, pepper, bay leaf, sage, tarragon)
Wellness Cheese cake with purple topping
Ingredients: 1 stick of butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 4 whole eggs separated, 180 gram brown sugar, 100 gram raisin (washed and soaked in milk as per your preference eg. almond milk, cashew milk or normal cow’s milk), 100 gram whole oat, 3 cups cottage cheese, 200 gram frozen berry, 200 gram white chocolate

