Grief Recovery

gyaszfeldolgozas_specialista_eng.jpgWe are taught how to acquire things, not what to do if we lose them.’ (J. W. James-R. Friedman)

Grief is the normal and natural response to any kind of loss. It could be a loss of a loved one, divorce, the end of a romantic relationship, any significant change in your life, such as moving, losing your job, change in finances, a pet loss or any other from the 40 different types of losses. Regardless of the cause what makes you feel heart-broken, you might need to seek for help. The Grief Recovery Method developed and refined over the past 30 years. As a Specialist in this field I could provide supportive guidance through the action-based process which will help you to recover from the loss.           

Grief is an extremely intense and powerful emotion, it overwhelms people. Unfortunately, it is likely that somehow in your life you will experience it. In spite of it, there is no trace in our education how to handle grief. Even after earning our degrees in various universities we got to know how to solve complicated mathematic equations but most of us unable to say a compassionate sentence to a friend who is going through a grieving period.

Although there are certain stages of grief but we all have our unique way to cope with it. There is no right or wrong way how to feel during the bereavement period and there is no standard time limit. Grief could manifest in a huge range of unexpected ways. We could get angry or completely numb and any sorrowful incident around us could drag us back on the emotional ladder. During the bereavement period we need to learn how to channel our emotions into new things, and to find the way of coping. Eventually we need to try adjusting to life without her or him. Time itself doesn`t heal only action does. While being gentle and patient with ourselves we need to manage the basic self-care. Even during the darkest sorrowful period, we have to drink, eat and move consciously since at that time we might not feel the need of it.

My personal tragedy - the inconceivable loss of my son - devastated my world as a massive earthquake. I couldn`t find any meaning in life. I did go through all stages of grief and having experienced its effects at first hand. The darkest shadows of depression hit me hard and I faced with the fact that I’m having suicidal thoughts. Although I was practicing yoga and meditation daily as an anchor to help calming my mind, controlling the difficult emotions and to improve my ability to focus and keep me in the present. But it wasn’t enough. I’ve started therapy on a regular basis and searched for alternative methods. I also got in touch with a support group for parents who had lost their children, read numerous books about grief and loss and tried various therapies. Eventually I’ve completed the training and became a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, to be able to help and inspire others during difficult times.

